You can tell it's the weekend.. you know why? It's 10 degrees outside and COLD, rainy and grim. As soon as the new week starts you'll be able to tell it's Monday! You know why?? Because it'll be 35 degrees in the shade with the sun scorching the shadow out from under your feet! Yeargh. What's with that?! Weird weird weird weather. Not that I'm complaining about the coolness (or as my buddy Anders would say: a "Swedish Summer") I like it when the temp doesn't fly over about 23 degrees. Perfect PEI style loafin' weather. But 10 is a bit chilly, dontcha think?
Saw a cool short my buddy Rob put togethergo check it out it's very cool! This is what we do to keep from going bananas & to keep the creative fires nice and lively. It works :-D
The weekend was ok, Friday night went to Keith's after work and had a lovely Margarita. Got settled on the deck with drinks just as the Heavens opened up and drenched everything. But I didn't care; Keith has a nice gazebo/canopy type thing and the drink was fabu. Dinner was bbq'd rubbed meat! (Ok, that sounds gross--it was a pork tenderloin) and a super salad with plenty of herbs and greens in it with a mustard vinagrette. The dude is so talented & he's STILL single! I told him he should open a restaurant & share his skills with the rest of the poor shmucks out there.
We played Palladium RPG
(Heroes Unlimited) for the evening & headed back around midnight. It was a little rough driving back. I'm still experiencing that weird disconnected/ vertigo/ faint feeling that hit me last Wednesday. I managed to get us home safely with an audible *whew* and hit the hay.
Sat. slept mostly, then hooked up with Catherine, Alan, John & Clay at the Yang Ming for Dim Sum! William was supposed to join us with his son, but I neglected to check my email before heading out to read that he'd cancelled! *sigh*! :-P We waited half and hour, but our bellies dragged us over to the lines of food, people and delicious smells. We were helpless. Deeelicious. It was great chatting with Alan again & hanging with work buddies in a non-work environment. You can actually talk! For more than 10 minutes :-)
I was supposed to go to a bday celebration Sat. night, but I was beat and not confident behind the wheel as I guided my little Echo homewards. I didn't like the feeling of faintness and weird vertigo that would occasionally sweep into me. I took some Rexall Motion-Sickness medication.. I don't know if they're working or if it's just a placebo or what. But what the heck, it's better than nothing I guess :-P The clinic said that they would have the results of my tests for next week, so I should have some idea about what is going on (I hope!)
Today was fairly relaxing. I was still full from the buffet from yesterday so we took everything light in the food department. Tidied a little, listened to music, got my head together & spent time with the animals & Clay. Got caught up on the phone with my Mah & my buddies Rob, Leah & my belly-dance teacher Lisa-Marie (since I sadly missed my Wed. class :-( There's a super belly-dance extravaganza happening tomorrow night that should be fun to go to! Hopefully I'll be with it enough to attend. I love watching people who know how to really dance, *dance*!
And then of course there's WORK.
Dontcha love Mondays? *sigh*!
Cheers y'all,