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Neil Gaiman says:

Neil Gaiman says:
pic by Allan Amato

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bbq Season!

We have some truly nice, "loafin'" weather happening in O-Town. 25 C, sunshine, puffy clouds, gentle breezes AND the perfect addition to loafing: friends, drinks, family and nothing to do but relax and enjoy.

Drove out the Baarhaven yesterday afternoon with Clay to see Myra & the Gang From Work for her BBQ. On Monday, half the crew heads off to Hull for a month to do the next part of the PISA project and the rest of us are staying at Tunney's keying and doing whatever it is that we do :-Q It was great seeing Catherine, John, Linda, meeting Sarah & her friend and of course making a super fuss over doggies (Becky & Brody.) I have doggie-envy!!

I brought Cranberry Struesel muffins, pretty much right out of the oven. Everyone loved them! I'd been promising to bring them to work for..months? So, I figured this'd be my last chance to give my buddies cranberry muffins before they left for Hull. [Ed. note: cranberry lemon muffins are the best ones that the Cafeteria at Tunney's makes (IMHO) and they go so quickly that by the time break arrives at 10am, there are none left and we all end up crying and lamenting about it (and eating corn muffins instead.)]

We had to leave early because my folks had invited me for the Richmond Firemen's BBQ Chicken Fundraising dinner thing wayy, way long ago and I'd said "sure!" not knowing that I was going to be triple booked :-O (Yes, Clay's Aunt & Uncle had called like Thurs. to see if we wanted to come out to Kangaroo Lake and have an impromptu bday celebration for Gloria.) Ever wish you could clone yourself?

We got to the Stitts and Mom & Linda had already headed to Richmond to get the chicken, so we caught up with Dad & Bob. The weather was perfect; cedar waxwings whistled and stripped berries from the nanny-berry bush beside the house, the construction next door was quiet cause it was Saturday (although a lone Security dude sat desolately in his car.) Dinner was delicious! I don't know what the "secret" recipe is.. but *man*, it's too bad it only comes around once a year :-P poo!

We got home after 10pm and decompressed *whoooooo*. Today, hopefully more nice weather as we head to Carleton Place and see the ex-Aylmerites and Keith for BBQ! After all this activity, I'm gonna have to go back to work Monday to relax (*BROAD wink*)

Cheers y'all!

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